Entrepreneurship in Poland in Regional Configuration


  • Zbigniew Makieła Krakowska Szkoła Wyższa im. A. Frycza Modrzewskiego




przedsiębiorczość, Polska, regiony


Entrepreneurship is a process which proceeds in stages and is characterized by variableintensity. That is why we need methods and measurement instruments that help us to follow itsimage with precision and in particular stages. According the studies conducted by GlobalEntrepreneurship Monitor, two groups of people who are involved in a new economic enterpri-se, can be identified. The first group consists beginning entrepreneurs, active in developing oftheir companies run for 34 years. People from the second group are trying to start their busi-ness and independently or together with their partners undertake some definite activities (suchas looking for location of the company, working out the strategy of their activity, looking forfunds and business partners).Basal measurement or so called coefficient of entrepreneurship (the engagement rate in a neweconomic enterprise) reckons sum of two indexes for two groups. In 2004 the entrepreneurshipcoefficient in Poland amounted 8,3%. It means that among thousand Poles at the age of 1864,almost 90 are involved in starting or developing their business. The value of this coefficient hasincreased to 1,6% in comparison with the previous 2000/2001 years. The value of this entrepre-neurship coefficient in Poland is high and is higher than similar one in Ireland, Norway, Israel,Great Britain, France, and Greece. Only such countries as Canada, Argentina, Australia and Brazil have higher value of the coefficient. Comparing the value of analyzed coefficient amongthe countries of European Union, only Ireland gets ahead Poland and at the same time therewasnt statistically essential difference between coefficient of value in Poland and Ireland.Among countries in political system transformation, except Poland, only Hungary had a highcoefficient of value, however Croatia, Slovenia and Russia accepted the lowest value amongEuropean countries.


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How to Cite

Makieła, Z. (2007). Entrepreneurship in Poland in Regional Configuration. Entrepreneurship – Education, 3, 18–23. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.3.2