The Role of the Local Government in Malopolska Region in the Development of Territorial Entrepreneurship


  • Magdalena Kochmańska Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Wydział Pedagogiczny



samorząd, małopolska, przedsiębiorczość


The article describes the entrepreneurship and the factors in its development. The responsibilitiesof local authorities for the development of entrepreneurship were indicated. Two aspects of thelocal governmental activity for the development of entrepreneurship in Malopolskie Provincewere described in detail, i.e. the regional strategy for innovation and strategy for thedevelopment of the province.


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How to Cite

Kochmańska, M. (2009). The Role of the Local Government in Malopolska Region in the Development of Territorial Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship – Education, 5, 208–217.