Application of Innovative Strategies Based on IBS (Information Based Society) to Improve the Competiveness of Company. The example of SMEs from steel industry


  • Danuta Janczewska Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Zarządzania w Łodzi, Katedra Marketingu



strategia, innowacja, społeczeństwo informacyjne, przemysł, metalowy, MŚP


One of the main goals of building the Knowledge Based Economy is building the informationsociety. The innovations have a strong influence on this process - especially for companiesthat operate in most competitive environments. The factors improved the innovativeness insmall companies (SME) should be explicitly accented. The example of steel industry let usidentify the elements comprise the forming the information society. Then we are able to makeinnovation strategy to improve the competitiveness of the companies.


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How to Cite

Janczewska, D. (2009). Application of Innovative Strategies Based on IBS (Information Based Society) to Improve the Competiveness of Company. The example of SMEs from steel industry. Entrepreneurship – Education, 5, 155–164.