Business and Professional Career vs. Commitment to Studying


  • Wojciech Maciejewski Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej Instytut Prawa Administracji i Ekonomii



economic activity, education, entrepreneurial attitudes, entrepreneurship


The article attempts to check entrepreneurial attributes among students in relation to their involvement in the process of studying and potential involvement as an employee. The main objective is to verify to what extent the respondents have the appropriate characteristics to run their own business and what their awareness is related to the realities of running such activities. Surveys were conducted on 138 students of the Faculty of Political Sciences at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. Students participating in the study declare a strong commitment to acquiring knowledge and highly assess their communicativeness. Their involvement in the implementation of additional ventures and leadership skills is slightly worse. Relatively large group of respondents have problems with defining their involvement in studies. The surveyed students did not show a willingness to work for many hours, 98% of them considered that they could work 8 or less hours a day. In the case of illness, the surveyed students showed quite a large dedication, almost half are able to continue working, provided the disease is not severe, while 22% of respondents felt that they would try to work from home. Only some respondents, 14%, said they would not work on sick note. The questions contained in the questionnaire did not directly concern entrepreneurial characteristics, but the attitudes of students exhibited in the study can be referred to their entrepreneurial predispositions.

Author Biography

Wojciech Maciejewski, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej Instytut Prawa Administracji i Ekonomii

Wojciech Maciejewski, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Economics and Economic Policy of the Pedagogical University of Cracow. Member of the board of the Naooka Association. Research interests concern the areas of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial features, decision issues and factors affecting the success of business ventures.


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How to Cite

Maciejewski, W. (2019). Business and Professional Career vs. Commitment to Studying. Entrepreneurship – Education, 15(1), 113–125.