Foreign internships and the level of subjective assessment of practical skillsvocational schools students




foreign internships, personal and social skills, practical skills, vocational schools students


The aim of the article is to analyse the impact of the vocational schools students participation in foreign internships on their practical skills. The research hypothesis states that foreign internships have a significant impact on the level of subjective assessment practical skills of vocational school students. The article assessed the subjective level of students’ practical skills before and after the foreign internship. The research covered students of The Comprehensive and Vocational School Complex in Mońki carrying out internships in Valencia (Spain) in 2020–2022. A total of 106 students representing the following fields of vocational education participated in foreign internships: agricultural mechanization technician, hotel management technician, nutrition and catering services technician, sales technician and railway transport technician. The vast majority of respondents stated that participation in a foreign internship contributed to improving the level of practical skills necessary for their chosen profession. According to the students, the most important skills directly related to the field in which they pursue the education process have been improved. The internship participants expanded their personal and social competences and improved their level of English in the area of specialized professional vocabulary. This form of practical education is therefore an excellent element of education in technical secondary schools.

Author Biography

Anna Iwacewicz-Orłowska, Wyższa Szkoła Finansów i Zarządzania w Białymstoku

Anna Iwacewicz ‑Orłowska, PhD, professor of Eastern European University of Applied Sciences in Bialystok, Faculty of Economics Sciences. The author is employed on the position of the dean on the Faculty of Economics Sciences at the Eastern European University of Applied Sciences in Bialystok. Apart from conducting lectures from economic area she is doing research in the field of sustainable development issue, income disproportions and social inequalities. She is an author of many polish and international publications and she was taking part in scientific conferences and internships in foreign institutions.



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How to Cite

Iwacewicz-Orłowska, A. (2023). Foreign internships and the level of subjective assessment of practical skillsvocational schools students. Entrepreneurship – Education, 19(2), 130–143.