Rozpowszechnienie nierolniczej działalności gospodarczej na obszarach wiejskich
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
obszary wiejskie, działalność, nierolniczaAbstrakt
Rural entrepreneurship and enterprise development can stimulate local economic growth,engage young people, and recreate communitys vitality. A lively, growing rural community willencourage further growth of the regions and entrepreneurship is one of the leveraging instruments for unify a disproportion in socio-economic development of Polish regions.The paper analyses the development of non-agricultural economic activity on rural areas andshows the chances and barriers for rural entrepreneurships increase.Research conducted in 76 villages shows that the most popular non-rural economic activityon rural areas is trading and most of the activities have local extent. Lack of the funds forlaunching a company is the great barrier to further development of rural entrepreneurship andstructural policy instruments can be a chance to improve this situation.Pobrania
Jak cytować
Buks, J., & Otłowska, A. (2007). Rozpowszechnienie nierolniczej działalności gospodarczej na obszarach wiejskich. Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja, 3, 120–127.
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