Innovation ethos as a multidimensional category and a challenge for contemporary education for entrepreneurship


  • Magdalena Zdun Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie



business ethics, entrepreneurship education, ethos, innovation


The aim of the article is to present innovation as an ethos category that is subject to socialising transfer. The article consists of four interrelated parts. In the first one, a meaningful reconstruction of the concept of innovation is made. It is made on the basis of the sociological theory of social change. Its result is the indication of three dimensions of innovation: material, social and symbolic. The last of these dimensions places innovation most strongly in the axiological context. This, in turn, implies the introduc- tion of an ethos category in the second part. It is understood as both a code of conduct and a “lifestyle”. The third part helps to form the concept of the “ethos of innovation”, and the last one - makes it a subject of education for entrepreneurship. Ultimately, the ethos of innovation is diagnosed in the context of the challenges for formal and informal entrepreneurship education.

Author Biography

Magdalena Zdun, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie

Magdalena Zdun, Professor at the Cracow University of Economics, habilitated doctor in the field of sociological sciences, employed in the Department of Social and Economic Geography Institute of Social Development and Urban Studies. She is interested in the cultural determinants of entrepreneurship, innovation, development and well-being. In recognition of the monograph: Innovations. Socio-cultural perspective she received the Aniela Potulicka award. She is the author of over 40 publications in the field of sociology. In 2018, she received and implemented a grant from the National Science Center MINIATURA 1. One year later, based on the monograph (Super)Nova Atlantis. The Regional diversification of economic development cultures she obtained a postdoctoral degree in the field of sociological sciences. In 2019, she also received a scholarship from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young scientists.


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How to Cite

Zdun, M. (2022). Innovation ethos as a multidimensional category and a challenge for contemporary education for entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship – Education, 18(1), 7–17.