The use of social media in marketing communication of small enterprises


  • Magdalena Gorzelany-Dziadkowiec Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Rozwoju Organizacji
  • Krzysztof Firlej Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Rozwoju Organizacji



communication with the market, marketing communication, small enterprises, social media


The aim of this study was to analyse the use of social media in marketing communication of small enterprises. To achieve the goal, a systematic literature review was carried out in the Scopus and Google Scholar databases published in 2018-2021 in English. Complementarily, a traditional review of both Polish and foreign literature, reports and statistical data was carried out. Additionally, own research was carried out in the form of questionnaires - a diagnostic survey, an original questionnaire containing a record and closed questions was used as a research tool. Responses were collected using the CAWI method. The conclusions that were made are as follows: the surveyed enterprises most frequently communicate with the market via Facebook, the next most common market communicators indicated by the respondents are Messenger and Instagram, WhatsApp and YouTube are used by small enterprises in small extent, Snapchat and WeChat is not used in communication with the market in small businesses at all. The added value of the article is the implications for small businesses, that they can make better decisions regarding the use of social media (social media marketing) in communication with the market.

Author Biographies

Magdalena Gorzelany-Dziadkowiec, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Rozwoju Organizacji

Magdalena Gorzelany-Dziadkowiec, PhD in economics in management sciences, Cracow University of Economics, College of Economics, Finance and Law, Institute of Economics, Department of Organization Development. She specialises in issues related to the competitiveness of organisations and the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises. She is also interested in the development of organisations, cities and regions, management of changes and ICT systems. She is the author and co-author of about 36 articles, 25 chapters in monographs; she also wrote 2 textbooks. She participated in 46 conferences in the country and abroad. Winner of 16 awards and distinctions of the Rector of the Cracow University of Economics for individual scientific, as well as team and didactic achievements. Finalist of the Mentors plebiscite of the Cracow University of Economics in 2020.

Krzysztof Firlej, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Rozwoju Organizacji

Krzysztof Firlej, professor, Cracow University of Economics, College of Economics, Finance and Law, Institute of Economics, Department of Organization Development. Full professor, Head of the Department of Organization Development, Head of the Institute of Economics. His current research interests include the operations of the Polish and international food industry, globalisation, global economy, company and business management, strategies of food companies in the light of the common agricultural policy, and agribusiness on global markets.


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How to Cite

Gorzelany-Dziadkowiec, M., & Firlej, K. . (2021). The use of social media in marketing communication of small enterprises. Entrepreneurship – Education, 17(2), 36–50.