Continuum of pedagogical values – methods and tools based on the example of the Greek model under variation conditions – cognitive analysis




crisis, education, heuristics, pedagogical values, the Greek model


The aim of this article is to indicate the possibility of shaping the young generation by continuing the timeless pedagogical attitudes in the light of the current economic crisis. The subject of the analysis is to specify and adjust the available methods and tools of a modern pedagogue according to Greek philosophical and ethical systems in relation to the accompanying limitations and variability. A form of cognitive analysis has been chosen as an empirical method of research into the issues presented. This analysis becomes increasingly important in the context of current economic issues and global transformations caused by pandemics, and thus the change in learning mechanisms to hybrid and remote learning. Thus, this consideration focuses on the role of pedagogical values based on the assumptions of Greek philosophers as precursors of pedagogical thought in order to diagnose current needs and draw inspiration from their methodological achievements. As a result of the analysis, methods and tools for working with students on communication, individuality and experience by initiating social contacts with culture and language were identified. The importance of the relationship between teacher and student, based on partnership and empathy, was also given, which gives tangible benefits in the process of shaping the individual, protecting him/her from exclusion.

Author Biography

Dorota Okrasińska, Foundation Ready for changes

Dorota Okrasińska, graduate of postgraduate studies – Tutoring and coaching in education – at the Higher School of Professional Education in Przemyśl; affiliated with the Ready for Changes Foundation. She holds an MA degree in Pedagogy, specialising in Integrated Early School Education and has completed postgraduate studies in Educational Management – Leader and manager (University of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, KIRE branch in Krakow). Her research and scientific interests concern pedagogy, management, entrepreneurship and philosophy.


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How to Cite

Okrasińska, D. (2021). Continuum of pedagogical values – methods and tools based on the example of the Greek model under variation conditions – cognitive analysis. Entrepreneurship – Education, 17(1), 115–125.