Shaping Entrepreneurial Attitudes of Students towards Contemporary Development Challenges


  • Lidia Kaliszczak Uniwersytet Rzeszowski Instytut Ekonomii i Finansów
  • Katarzyna Sieradzka Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. K. Pułaskiego w Radomiu Wydział Ekonomii i Finansów Katedra Ekonomii



development challenges, entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneurship


The study argues that shaping entrepreneurial attitudes is becoming an imperative today in the face of changes taking place in the environment, and that entrepreneurship among the young generation is a largely approved attitude and starting up your own company is seen as a potential career option. The aim of the research is to identify entrepreneurial attitudes of students in the context of their importance in the face of contemporary development challenges. The role of education was discussed for a proper understanding of the essence and conditions of entrepreneurship, as well as manifesting entrepreneurial attitudes and behavior for the purposes of developing a modern economy and increasing the well-being of the society. Based on own empirical research, an analysis and assessment of the entrepreneurial attitude of students were made. The attitude was determined using personality traits, recognized values and a tendency to be active on the labour market by choosing the profession of entrepreneur as a career path. The motives and manifestations of these behaviours were analysed with selected social factors, such as place of residence, or family traditions, as well as by gender and selected education profile. Research results prove that entrepreneurship among students is largely an approved attitude, however, when comes to career options it remains in the sphere of intentions.

Author Biographies

Lidia Kaliszczak, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski Instytut Ekonomii i Finansów

Lidia Kaliszczak, PhD in Economics, deputy director of the Institute of Economics at the College of Social Sciences of the University of Rzeszow. Her research interests relate to the essence, conditions and forms of entrepreneurship, the development of small and medium enterprises, creativity and innovation.

Katarzyna Sieradzka, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. K. Pułaskiego w Radomiu Wydział Ekonomii i Finansów Katedra Ekonomii

Katarzyna Sieradzka, PhD in Economics, lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Finance of the University of Technology and Humanities in Radom. Her research and academic interests relate to the determinants of the enterprises’ development, including sources of financing, innovation and competitiveness.


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How to Cite

Kaliszczak, L. ., & Sieradzka, K. . (2020). Shaping Entrepreneurial Attitudes of Students towards Contemporary Development Challenges. Entrepreneurship – Education, 16(2), 99–112.