The Role of Questions in Developing Entrepreneurship of Younger School-Age Students


  • Beata Sufa Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny, im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Instytut Pedagogiki Przedszkolnej i Szkolnej



early school education, entrepreneurship, teacher opinions, the role of questions


The article deals with the subject of the role of questions in developing entrepreneurship in younger school-age students. The aim of the article was to show, according to Bloom’s taxonomy, the role that questions play in shaping the entrepreneurial attitude of children, obtain information on the kinds of questions used in practice by the surveyed early childhood education teachers and how they perceive entrepreneurship. The content of the article was enriched with the results of surveys using the survey technique. The obtained data indicate that the surveyed teachers mainly declare the use of questions from the lower levels of thinking organisation (knowledge, understanding, application), which to a lesser extent stimulate students to more complex mental operations than questions from the level of assessment, analysis and synthesis. Most of the respondents see entrepreneurship broadly and go beyond the economic perspective of the issue. The surveyed teachers are able to indicate a few strategies for developing entrepreneurship, but among them there are no strategies for formulating thought-provoking questions and in-depth reflection. The acquired knowledge may become a contribution to drawing the attention of current and future teachers to this important aspect of developing and stimulating entrepreneurship. The article also includes examples of strategies and good practices that use questions to develop an entrepreneurial mindset in students.

Author Biography

Beata Sufa, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny, im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Instytut Pedagogiki Przedszkolnej i Szkolnej

Beata Sufa, PhD in Humanities in the field of pedagogy, Pedagogical University of Krakow. Her research area includes: pre-school and early school education, psycho-pedagogy of creativity, pedeutology. Academic interests relate to: education of preschool and younger schoolchildren, strategies for development of creativity and entrepreneurship of children in elementary education, competences of preschool and early school education teachers.


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How to Cite

Sufa, B. . (2020). The Role of Questions in Developing Entrepreneurship of Younger School-Age Students. Entrepreneurship – Education, 16(2), 61–72.