Attitudes towards Entrepreneurship Exhibited by Younger School-Age Students


  • Maria Janas Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Instytut Pedagogiki Przedszkolnej i Szkolnej Katedra Pedagogiki Wczesnoszkolnej



early school education, entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneurial competences, entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship development strategies


The article discusses the topic of developing entrepreneurial competences in younger school age students. The term entrepreneurship is explained in the context of basic documents regulating the issue of developing key competences at the first stage of education, as well as examples of good practices and strategies to develop an entrepreneurial attitude. The aim of the research was to obtain information on how third-grade students define the concepts of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur, do they consider themselves entrepreneurial, and do they see in the initiatives organised at school initiatives to stimulate this important competence for effective education. The research used diagnostic survey method and survey technique. The obtained results are not used to formulate generalisations or to put forward theses, but to signal that the surveyed students present a colloquial understanding of the terms: entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, which deviate from their academic definitions. The surveyed respondents do not have sufficient knowledge about the characteristics of an entrepreneurial person, and the actions taken at school to develop the entrepreneurial attitude are insufficiently implemented.

Author Biography

Maria Janas, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Instytut Pedagogiki Przedszkolnej i Szkolnej Katedra Pedagogiki Wczesnoszkolnej

Maria Janas, MA, a PhD student, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Pre-school and School Pedagogy, Department of Early Childhood Pedagogy. Her academic and research interests are focused around the issues of creativity, strategies for developing initiative, entrepreneurship and creative activity of early childhood education students.


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How to Cite

Janas, M. (2020). Attitudes towards Entrepreneurship Exhibited by Younger School-Age Students. Entrepreneurship – Education, 16(2), 48–60.