Education for Entrepreneurship based on Behavioural Economics: Entrepreneurial Talent and Priming


  • Beata Jamka



behavioural economics, education, entrepreneurship, neuroscience, talent


The article attempts to confront the model of entrepreneurship understood as a talent with selected findings of the dynamically developing neurosciences research. The aim of the article is to indicate the potential of human mind’s biases when thinking fast (automatically) in entrepreneurial education process. The attention is focused on priming, framing and anchoring effects which adequately directed (Thaler’s concept of nudging) may stimulate entrepreneurial ways of thinking and performing. The research method used is thought modelling and analogy based on critical analysis of literature from various areas: entrepreneurship, neurosciences, statistics, and didactics. The perception of entrepreneurship as a talent illustrates the universality of its occurrence (though at a different level), and thus the possibility of its widespread development using tools adapted to time, needs and situation. The behavioural economics on the other hand points out ways of humans’ - as opposed to econs’ - decisions rationalisation through taking advantage of human mind’s biases to construct a choice architecture based on well-matched nudges. The novelty added by the analysis is the integration of research areas in the indication of the essence, importance and usefulness of strengthening mental automatisms of entrepreneurial perception of the situation and environment, as well as the proposition of examples of action tools.

Author Biography

Beata Jamka

Beata Jamka, habilitated doctor in economics/management, independent researcher, long-time employee of the Warsaw School of Economics, scholarship holder of the Jurzykowski Foundation (USA), associate professor at Lazarski University, lecturer and supervisor of Postgraduate Studies in Human Resources Management at the Warsaw School of Economics. Author of numerous publications, including the latest monographs: Human factor in contemporary enterprise: resource or capital? From competency management to diversity management (2011), Together. Towards a change in the paradigm of economics (2017) and HR at the turn. Management by measurement or creativity activation? (2019). Her latest interests combine neuroscience and human potential management (creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, efficiency); they also include alternative paradigms of economics.


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How to Cite

Jamka, B. (2020). Education for Entrepreneurship based on Behavioural Economics: Entrepreneurial Talent and Priming. Entrepreneurship – Education, 16(1), 19–30.