Polish Entrepreneurship in the Naval Industry


  • Barbara Pytko Akademia Morska w Gdyni, Katedra Towaroznawstwa i Zarządzania Jakością
  • Roman Watras Akademia Morska w Gdyni, Katedra Towaroznawstwa i Zarządzania Jakością




przedsiębiorczość, gospodarka morska, Polska


The goal of this text is to focus on the situation of companies in Polish naval industry and to define the condition of their activity, entrepreneurship, and their attitudes toward innovations. This discussion is a search for the answer to the question: Is it possible to see any signs of entrepreneurship in the organizations and the activities in this sector? Authors emphasize the naval companies mainly organize the sea shipping, and their business is usually complex, it needs a lot of capital, and there is fierce global competition. With the transformation of political system and Polish economical reform in this industry, it was not propitious time to growth for these companies. Both  the  fleet, and  the shipbuilding, and  their bases started  to deteriorate. According  to  the  authors,  naval  industry was  at  the  disadvantage  because  public  opinion assumed that the sea was less important to the national economy, so the fleet and shipbuilding were not  economically  justifiable  and naval  industry was  the burden  that  slowed down  the development of national economy. Fortunately this time is over, because the good trends appeared toward a growth in the naval trade, and because of boom in the sea transport, in shipbuilding and in ship maintenance.


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How to Cite

Pytko, B., & Watras, R. (2006). Polish Entrepreneurship in the Naval Industry. Entrepreneurship – Education, 2, 115–121. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.2.11