Pro-ecological Education in Shaping Entrepreneurial Attitudes


  • Janina Rosiak Ośrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli, Zachodniopomorskie Centrum Edukacyjne w Szczecinie
  • Piotr Szczypa Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Katedra Zarządzania Finansami, Zakład Rachunkowości



edukacja, proekologiczna, przedsiębiorczość


Activation of national economy needs constant education of young people and creating their attitudes, because they are the foundation for growth of future business. In the environment of escalating in globalization understanding of the basis of entrepreneurship and creating of entrepreneurial individuals, as well as society, is essential for every man who wants actively participate in the processes of development of world’s civilization. The goal of this article is to point that the education in the area of creating entrepreneurial attitudes should include shaping awareness of the threats related to the dynamic economical growth in the country and all the world. Ecological dangers are considered to be the greatest threats to the chance to the development. So the entrepreneurial man is conscious of the threats, sensitive to ecological problems and sees relationships between economic matters and modern, efficient economy that takes into account wide range of problems of environment protection.


Kobyłko G. (red.), 2000, Proekologiczne zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem, Wydawnictwo AE we Wrocławiu, Wrocław.

Kryński A. (red.), 2004, Międzynarodowe zarządzanie środowiskiem, t. 1: Interdyscyplinarne założenia proekologicznego zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem, C.H. Beck, Warszawa.



How to Cite

Rosiak, J., & Szczypa, P. (2007). Pro-ecological Education in Shaping Entrepreneurial Attitudes. Entrepreneurship – Education, 3, 332–336.