Multimedia Technologies in Teaching Basis of Entrepreneurship.


  • Małgorzata Kulikowska III Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Białymstoku
  • Bożena Krasnodębska Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego w Białymstoku



multimedia, innowacyjność, nauczanie, edukacja, przedsiębiorczość


The subject presented during the conference is The Multimedia Techniques in the Teaching Basis of Entrepreneurship’. The topic was presented with a case study of multimedia classes titled I Plan Promotional Campaign of My Business’, carried within the educational project „My Student, a Businessman With Rank”. The aim of the summary was to present activating methods of teaching with the use of Information Technology on Base of Enterprise classes. Practical use of multimedia programs and of Internet thematic sites, gives young people a chance to gain the ability to use a computer for searching necessary information. Furthermore it gives an opportunity to search, order and take advantage of information to solve a problem. The paper is an example of good practice in teaching and it confirms thesis, that it is possible to teach and to learn with enjoyment.


Bednarek J., 2000, Multimedia w działalności szkoleniowo-wychowawczej, Komandor, Warszawa.

Krzyżewska J., 2000, Aktywizujące metody i techniki w edukacji, część II, Zakład Wydawniczy Letter Quality, Suwałki.

Strykowski W., 1984, Audiowizualne materiały dydaktyczne. Podstawy kształcenia multimedialnego, PWN, Warszawa.



How to Cite

Kulikowska, M., & Krasnodębska, B. (2007). Multimedia Technologies in Teaching Basis of Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship – Education, 3, 308–316.