Personality, Motivation and Family Business in Enterprise


  • Anita Paszko-Janowska Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu



osobowość, motywacja, przedsiębiorstwo rodzinne,


Poland has short experience in the free market economy. We have just been learning to taking the matters in our own hands” to face new reality. One of the problems we face at the beginning of the way to market economy is enterprise. We have to dare begin something new”. The question is: Does a personality, safety and motivation have influence on enterprise? Is establishing family business a necessary evil or a mean of manage new reality? Can you make enterprise fashionable and what does depend on us?. There are no simple answers to those questions. The subjects touched in this article indicate certain question of enterprise that is worth observing.


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How to Cite

Paszko-Janowska, A. (2007). Personality, Motivation and Family Business in Enterprise. Entrepreneurship – Education, 3, 204–210.