Programs of Development of Enterprise in Koszalin
przedsiębiorczość, KoszalinAbstract
Work in economic sphere is the priority of Koszalin. The key to development of Koszalin is thefocus on economic sphere on attraction the investors and the development of enterprise. Principle task of the provincial government, obliged to support the economic activity and the increase ofworkplaces, is to favor these works. The local council of Koszalin creates favorable environmentfor development of enterprise by initiation different programs of support for citys enterprise.References
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Uchwała Rady Miejskiej w Koszalinie z 29.03.2001 r. w sprawie uchwalenia Strategii Rozwoju Koszalina.
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Vademecum przedsiębiorcy, 2004, R. Zdrojewski (red.), Agencja Wydawnicza Millenium, Koszalin., 10.10.2006.
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