The Spirit of Entrepreneurship in Pro-investment Activities of Municipalities
przedsiębiorczość, inwestycje, samorząd, lokalneAbstract
The acquisition of new investors in a municipality is not a direct obligation of local govern-ments but rather one of the indications of the change in the philosophy of municipal manage-ment from administration (local government) to management (local governance). Time andcost consuming comprehensive proinvestment activities can be implemented only in thosemunicipalities where among the local authorities the spirit of entrepreneurship is alive. G. Gorzelak (1998) indicated that on the local level the leadership quality is the most endogenic factor oflocal success, including luring new investors.To examine the significance and diversity of local authorities attitudes in their pro-investment activities in the local governments, in fourteen selected municipalities in Poland a compa-rative analysis was conducted. Pro-investment activities, implemented since 1990, and theireffects, in the form of arrival of new investors, were studied. Our research covered the municipa-lities distinguished by potentially high investment attractiveness which is hardly dependent onthe local authorities activities: good transportation availability, considerable real-estate resour-ces that are suitable for potential investors and good availability of qualified labor force. Conse-quently, we excluded the municipalities in which even very intense works of their local authoritiesfailed to develop new opportunities to attract many new businessesReferences
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