Relevance of Packaging Design for Customers’ Decision-Making Process


  • Anna Dziadkiewicz Uniwersytet Gdański Wydział Zarządzania



communication, design, generational diversity, generations management, new product development, packaging


Polish packaging industry is rapidly evolving. Market development, lifestyle changes, and raising customers’ awareness, especially in the purchasing decision-making process, demand the continuing business development and searching for new developments for effective product exposure. With the growing competitiveness, the role of packaging design is growing on the market. Currently a product protection and information is not its main function, but communication, that supports a brand loyalty. The idea of the article is to give a picture that packaging design is important and undervalued at the same time. Firstly, theoretical considerations are presented, following by the questionnaire partially results, regarding to the packaging design influence on purchasing decision-making process among different generations. In order to achieve this, basic research question was made: do packaging and its attributes play the role in decision making process as well as during its using? Are they coincided for different generations? Additionally, the author attempted to obtain an objective view of the relevance of functionality, visual aspects, description on the packaging, as well as innovativeness and packaging changes for decision making process.

Author Biography

Anna Dziadkiewicz, Uniwersytet Gdański Wydział Zarządzania

Anna Dziadkiewicz, PhD in Economics in the field of management. She has graduated from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland and London School of Public Relations; completed post-graduate studies in the field of Managing Scientific-Research Project, as well as Business Coach Academy and a two-year European studies at Jean Monnet Centre. She is a lecturer of the Marketing Department at the University of Gdansk. She is an owner of a training and consulting company AD-futuro. For the past few years she has been conducting training courses on design management, public relations, marketing, enterprise brand building. She has coordinated a number of international projects and currently she is a Head Information Manager in one of them. Her interests revolve around design management and service design according to design thinking approach.


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How to Cite

Dziadkiewicz, A. (2019). Relevance of Packaging Design for Customers’ Decision-Making Process. Entrepreneurship – Education, 15(2), 125–138.