The Ways of Supporting Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Swietokrzyskie Province – Results of Research Questionnaires


  • Dawid Kamiński Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Wydział Politologii



MŚP, gmina, świętokrzyskie


The purpose of this article is to show the results of research questionnaires concerned the waysof supporting development of small and medium enterprises (SME) in SwietokrzyskieProvince. These results show that the stimulation of local and regional economy through thedevelopment of SME is effective way to reduction the effects of recession. Therefore localauthorities should influence the improvement of the attractiveness of localization of their area.The efforts to economic development is their responsibility and it needs to initiate and favorthe entrepreneurship. There are almost 42,000 SMEs in Świętokrzyskie and 150,000 persons (77,7%) areemployed by them. More than 60% of these entities operate in the cities. The entrepreneurialindicators that illustrate the number of SME for 1000 citizens are among the lowest in thecountry. The research shows local authorities in Świętokrzyskie are moderate interested in thedevelopment of SME. They usually use the simplest instruments - the tax reliefs or trainings.But the range of instruments supported SME is worth extending. So it is possible to usemodified instruments tried in other countries, for example prime d'aménagement du territoire(PAT), contract procedures or employee mobility.


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How to Cite

Kamiński, D. (2009). The Ways of Supporting Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Swietokrzyskie Province – Results of Research Questionnaires. Entrepreneurship – Education, 5, 281–296.