Entrepreneurial Attitudes among Gdynia Citizens


  • Iwona Sagan Uniwersytet Gdański, Katedra Geografii Ekonomicznej, Instytut Geografii
  • Magdalena Szmytkowska Uniwersytet Gdański, Katedra Geografii Ekonomicznej, Instytut Geografii
  • Grzegorz Masik Uniwersytet Gdański, Katedra Geografii Ekonomicznej, Instytut Geografii




postawy przedsiębiorcze, mieszkańcy, Gdynia


Generally the research on the entrepreneurship concerns its economic dimension. There aremany projects and analyses of economic conditions in small and medium enterprises (SME)where factors and barriers of competitiveness have been described. The aim of this paper ismainly social and psychological aspects of entrepreneurship. According to the authors theseaspects are essential for the decisions to start up the business and make it possible to prosperand to be continued with satisfaction out of it. This paper is an attempt to identify features ofproper entrepreneurial attitudes among not only business owners in Gdynia, but also amongGdynia citizens who are not owners. The basis for the analysis of opinions, enterprisingbehaviour and predisposition to run a business, was questionnaire survey conducted in 2007.The results answered the key question: Has the local society a potential that can be used todevelop urban entrepreneurship?


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How to Cite

Sagan, I., Szmytkowska, M., & Masik, G. (2009). Entrepreneurial Attitudes among Gdynia Citizens. Entrepreneurship – Education, 5, 228–243. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.5.21