Entrepreneurship Education in Vocational Education and Training and the VET Graduates’ Situation on the Labor Market


  • Agata Poczmańska Poczmańska Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych
  • Roksana Pierwieniecka Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych




entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, labor market, teaching methods, vocational education and training, vocational schools graduates


The article aims to indicate the teaching objectives and methods within the entrepreneurship education that are most suitable in preparing VET students to enter the labour market. In selection of most efficient objectives and methods, the context of Polish vocational education and situation in labour market have been taken into account. For this purpose the literature presenting research findings in this area has been reviewed and analysed. The connections between shaping an entrepreneurial attitude, the level of unemployment, and the extent to which VET graduates started a business have been analysed. Those economic indicators and research findings were confronted with the key elements of entrepreneurship education: forms of learning and educational objectives in entrepreneurship education and teaching methods, which are connected with teachers’ competences and forms of cooperation between learning providers and entrepreneurs. The theoretical approach and presentation of the research findings are supplemented by a practical approach − examples of different European solutions, with an emphasis on those used in Poland. Summary and conclusions from the analysis are supplemented by an outline of changes that could shape the evolution of entrepreneurship education.

Author Biographies

Agata Poczmańska Poczmańska, Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych

Agata Poczmańska, chief specialist for research and analysis in the Educational Research Institute. She is working on the qualification designing and development including the approach to formulating learning outcomes. She conducts research and analysis in the field of vocational education and training and foreign qualifications systems. As a trainee in the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) she was dealing with identifying and analysing international qualifications and also with the impact assessment of study visits. Before that, for three years she had been working for Polish Craft Association (Department for Coordination of European Affairs). She graduated with a Master’s degree in European Studies at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Sciences at the University of Warsaw, where currently she is a PhD student. Her research interests are focused on education, entrepreneurship, innovation, UE funds and UE institutions.

Roksana Pierwieniecka, Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych

Roksana Pierwieniecka has been involved in work on the Polish Qualifications System since 2011. During that time she was a member of teams responsible for: developing assumptions of national qualifications system (including Polish Qualifications Framework) and Polish Referencing Report and guidelines for validation of non-formal and informal learning. She has conducted desk research and prepared written materials, among others, on: work-based learning, cooperation between stakeholders and VET providers, developing VET standards and qualifications, quality assurance of VET provision and validation of non-formal and informal learning (in regards to methods used, practitioners, procedures, country systems, etc.).


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How to Cite

Poczmańska, A. P., & Pierwieniecka, R. (2016). Entrepreneurship Education in Vocational Education and Training and the VET Graduates’ Situation on the Labor Market. Entrepreneurship – Education, 12, 391–404. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.12.29