Perspective Determinants of Entrepreneurship in the Perspective of Teachers and Entrepreneurs. Conclusions and Practical Guidelines from Perspective Program


  • Mariusz Makowski Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Katedra Psychologii i Dydaktyki



competences, curriculum, entrepreneurship, school, teacher, training


Perspective (Leonardo da Vinci) program, implemented in 2013−2015 by eight European partners, was devoted to improving methods of teachers’ education for entrepreneurship. The article presents the results of the final phase of the project which comprised four focus groups. They were attended by teachers, entrepreneurs, representatives of local authorities, coaches and principals. Participants of these groups looked for factors that may favor the development of entrepreneurial attitudes of pupils and teachers. There were also attempts made to diagnose the obstacles and difficulties that must be overcame to create more friendly learning environment supporting building entrepreneurial attitudes. Another objective of these meetings was to determine the conditions that foster trainings of entrepreneurship facilitators. The outcome of these studies draws a picture of series of demands for changes in the education system, particularly in the area of selection and trainings of teachers. The article presents a list of recommendations reported by teachers and entrepreneurs, as well as the author’s comment.

Author Biography

Mariusz Makowski, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Katedra Psychologii i Dydaktyki

Mariusz Makowski, PhD, social psychologist, affiliated with University of Economics in Cracow since 2005. Area of theoretical and research explorations concentrates on: media, attitudes` development and social influence created by mass media. For many years he has been cooperating in the field of education with the media: press, radio and TV. Future research interests are connected to cognitive and emotional consequences of photography perception.


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How to Cite

Makowski, M. (2016). Perspective Determinants of Entrepreneurship in the Perspective of Teachers and Entrepreneurs. Conclusions and Practical Guidelines from Perspective Program. Entrepreneurship – Education, 12, 378–390.