The Effectiveness of Educational Programs in Entrepreneurship, Based on a Case Study of the Warsaw University of Technology – Statement of the Research


  • Agnieszka Skala Politechnika Warszawska Wydział Transportuj



education, effectiveness, entrepreneurship, higher education, questionnaire, verification


For about a decade more and more initiatives of teaching entrepreneurship are held in Poland, including universities courses (within technical ones as well). In the subject literature, teaching entrepreneurship is a well-recognized topic, especially when it comes to creating a syllabus. Nevertheless, there is a knowledge gap in the effectiveness of such entrepreneurship courses and conducting a study in this area appears to be challenging due to methodological obstacles. The main goal of the study that is discussed in this article is creating and testing a survey which enables verifying the education programs in terms of entrepreneurship. It will be a base for conducting a long-term comparison study in the area of entrepreneurship in education. The examined topics are: educational programs, methods of implementation and entrepreneurship approaches demonstrated by students. The copyrighted program discussed in this paper takes place in the Warsaw University of Technology since 2007. Currently, there are actions to evaluate the influence of the program on careers of the University’s graduates. The data source was built on the results of two pilot surveys conducted on the course participants (students). The results allowed for determining a primary structure of the main study, the tone of questions and suggested answers. Currently, the survey is divided into four parts: course evaluation, exploring the will and attitude to self-employment, examining the opportunities and threats of owning a company and defining family determinants. It is certain that there is still a difficulty to capture the effects of education in undertaking ambitious and high-growing ventures. Further research and studies will focus on this aspect.

Author Biography

Agnieszka Skala, Politechnika Warszawska Wydział Transportuj

Agnieszka Skala, PhD, graduate in economics at the Warsaw School of Economics, Assistant Professor at the Warsaw University of Technology, co-founder and CEO of Innovation Nest Entrepreneurship School (SPIN). Researcher in the area of high-technology entrepreneurship, e-business environment and entrepreneurship education. Member of the Academic Network of Entrepreneurship Educators SEIPA, EFER Alumni and graduate from Lean LaunchPad Educators Program at University of Berkeley in 2012. Author of case studies of Polish e-business startups, organizer of the first edition of Startup Weekend NEXT in Poland (2012). She supports science-business-technology initiatives in Poland.


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How to Cite

Skala, A. (2016). The Effectiveness of Educational Programs in Entrepreneurship, Based on a Case Study of the Warsaw University of Technology – Statement of the Research. Entrepreneurship – Education, 12, 364–377.