The Research Methods of Entrepreneurship Education


  • Angelika Andrzejczyk Uniwersytet w Białymstoku Wydział Ekonomii i Zarządzania Katedra Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie



education, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, research methods


Investments in education bring tangible benefits to both the individuals as well as the society, however, it is still an open question what kind of education has the strongest influence on entrepreneurial attitudes, being important determinants of economic growth. Important from this point of view is to conduct research in this area. There should also be noted that there are many research methods used in studies of education and entrepreneurship. One of the major problems of previous studies of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship - education relationship is the inability to compare their results. Researchers from different countries use different measures of entrepreneurship and education. Better knowledge of them can significantly contribute to the development of effective programs of entrepreneurship education. The paper’s aim is to characterize the research methods of studying the connection between education and entrepreneurship. The review of articles written on the basis of research, from different available sources for the author during the period: 2012-2015, was complemented by a review of the literature in this area.

Author Biography

Angelika Andrzejczyk, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku Wydział Ekonomii i Zarządzania Katedra Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie

Angelika Andrzejczyk, MSc, University of Bialystok, Economics and Management Faculty. Since the beginning of education at the university she is associated with the University of Bialystok. In 2014, obtained a master’s degree in Economics and began PhD studies. The main interest is entrepreneurship. She is the winner of the Diamond Grant within which realizes the project “The impact of education on the development of entrepreneurial attitudes”.


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How to Cite

Andrzejczyk, A. (2016). The Research Methods of Entrepreneurship Education. Entrepreneurship – Education, 12, 352–363.