Virtual Strategic Games – Tool of Entrepreneurial Education or Experimental Research Method in Entrepreneurship Field of Study?


  • Aleksandra Gaweł Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu Katedra Konkurencyjności Międzynarodowej



entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurial orientation, experiment in research on entrepreneurship, virtual strategic games


Virtual strategic games are more and more often used teaching tool, their use lets to follow the current trends in didactic study. However, games are still an innovative tool which indicates the necessity of discussion on possibilities of their implementation in entrepreneurial education. Virtual strategic games seem to be available for exploration also as a research tool which explores a kind of an experiment or quasi-experiment to conduct research on entrepreneurship. In economic science, the possibility to use the experiment as research tool is very limited as it should be used on real companies or economies. Meanwhile, strategic games being a form of running a business in a virtual environment, not in real one, seem to give research advantages connected with the possibilities of observing the behaviour and its effects of business activities without the risk and costs of experiments born by a real company. The aim of the paper is to assess the possibilities of using the strategic games in entrepreneurial educa- tion and experimental research in entrepreneurship. Theoretical discussion is supported by the results conducted during the virtual strategic games. To assess the research potential of games, the example of entrepreneurial orientation was explored and the results of survey and experiment on the same sample of students were compared.

Author Biography

Aleksandra Gaweł, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu Katedra Konkurencyjności Międzynarodowej

Aleksandra Gaweł, professor of economic science, working at Poznan University of Economics and Business (Poland), Department of International Competitiveness; editor-in-chief of the scientific journal “Studia Oeconomica Posnaniensia”; coordinator or participant in several national and international projects on entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurship, commercialization of new technology; author or co-author of publications on entrepreneurship, entrepren eurial education, start-up process, innovation, the labour market.


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How to Cite

Gaweł, A. (2016). Virtual Strategic Games – Tool of Entrepreneurial Education or Experimental Research Method in Entrepreneurship Field of Study?. Entrepreneurship – Education, 12, 340–351.