Immigrant Entrepreneurship in the EU and OECD Countries


  • Małgorzata Kosała Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Katedra Przedsiębiorczości i Innowacji



entrepreneurship, immigrant entrepreneurship, migration


Determinants of the development of modern economies are associated with globalization processes. One of the key elements of the new economy is migrations. Decisions about migration require overcoming many challenges. The functioning in the new socio-economic conditions becomes challenging, whereas every action is connected with innovation. It can be argued that it requires immigrants to be more entrepreneurial. The combination of phenomena such as migration and entrepreneurship, and consequently the analysis of immigrant entrepreneurship, is becoming an interesting research field. The main objective of the study is to analyze the phenomenon of entrepreneurship among immigrants and to identify important areas for further research in this field. As part of that objective, the article addresses issues related to entrepreneurial behavior and migration. The article is based on available literature review. We can observe some in-depth comprehensive deficiency in the literature. In some countries (e.g. Greece), you will notice a higher rate of self-employment among indigenous people, in others (e.g. Poland) among immigrants. It can be assumed that such a picture is affected on the one hand by the barriers towards entrepreneurial immigrants (capital, legal constraints) and on the other, by the tendency of native residents to run their own businesses. The question is to what extent these differences are the result of entrepreneurial behavior, constraints, formal and legal, forced entrepreneurship. Ascertaining the reasons for migration among immigrant entrepreneurs, including the immigrant nationalities and the industry in which they operate in individual countries, would allow to formulate proper conclusions.

Author Biography

Małgorzata Kosała, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Katedra Przedsiębiorczości i Innowacji

Małgorzata Kosała, PhD, assistant professor at the Cracow University of Economics − Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Her scientific interests focus on innovation process issues, innovative potential of enterprises, conditions for innovativeness, management and entrepreneurship especially in small and medium-sized enterprises. PhD in management within the specialization of innovation management (2006), Master in Organization and Management. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the National Entrepreneurship Contest.


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How to Cite

Kosała, M. (2016). Immigrant Entrepreneurship in the EU and OECD Countries. Entrepreneurship – Education, 12, 326–339.