Educational Role of Culinary Trails


  • Piotr Dominik Szkoła Główna Turystyki i Rekreacji Warszawa



culinary tourism, education, tourism, trail


The aim of the elaboration is to show the role in the educational process of tourists that the culinary trails play, both the ones existing naturally in the anthropogenic space, and the ones set by the tourism organizers. The culinary trails give the tourists the possibility to directly associate with the knowledge on the selected culinary products. They also create the conditions to actively participate and acquire the skills of using different tools, as well as shape the social competences through the personal contact with individual persons and societies creating food. The elaboration pays special attention to the role of direct cognition and observation, and participation in the events taking place on the culinary trail. It points out the connection between the education with tourism and brings out the place of the culinary trails in the education tourism. It also includes an analysis of which elements of the trails influence the recipients in different age groups education-wise and how. The creation and coordination of the culinary trails is a sign of their organizers’ entrepreneurship.

Author Biography

Piotr Dominik, Szkoła Główna Turystyki i Rekreacji Warszawa

Piotr Dominik, PhD of Agricultural Sciences. Graduate of the Department of the SGGW Food Technology. Finished doctoral studies from the scope of the assessment of the food quality. Piotr Dominik is an author of textbooks, academic chapters in monographs and scientific papers on feeding, gastronomy and the hotel trade. Assistant Professor in the Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Research topics include: influence of the cellulose formulations on the qualitative features of bread; creating the culinary trails in the light of increasing the touristic attractiveness of the region; traditional culinary products as an element of touristic attractiveness of the Masovia region; activity of the gastronomic systems on the Polish market and their participation in servicing the touristic traffic. Piotr Dominik was an organizer of scientific and business conferences and seminars, including the conference organized in cooperation with the Marshall Office of Masovia entitled “Culinary Trails as an Element of the Touristic Attractiveness of the Region – Masovia”.


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How to Cite

Dominik, P. (2016). Educational Role of Culinary Trails. Entrepreneurship – Education, 12, 282–298.