Small Entrepreneurship Development in Belarus and Characteristics of its Spatial System


  • Ivan Pirozhnik Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku Instytut Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych



individual entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, regional system, the sector of small and medium enterprises, types of regions


The article describes the main trends of small businesses development, which refer to the activities of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and individual entrepreneurs. In terms of economic transformation of Belarus the directions of regional and sectoral changes in the economy are identified, which are promoted by changes induced by development of SMEs sector. Typology of Belarusian regions based on the analysis of development level, general dynamics of SMEs sector and basic characteristics of its activity (number of employees, output, investment activity, and share in regional GDP) was worked out. At the level of the micro-region analysis within 20 economic micro regions and Minsk City features of regional development of small businesses were shown and spatial polarization of the analyzed system was identified with distinctive domination of Minsk metropolitan area and regional centers. Using market research carried out by various centers, general characteristics of the socio-economic conditions development and legal regulation of small businesses have been indicated.

Author Biography

Ivan Pirozhnik, Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku Instytut Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych

Ivan Pirozhnik, ScD, PhD and Professor of Geography, University of Pomerania in Slupsk, Institute of Geography and Regional Studies, Poland. Graduate of Geography at the Belarusian State University in Minsk (Belarus). His research interests: socio-economic geography, the impact of globalization on the transformation of the regions, economics and policy of regional development, political geography and geopolitics, geography of tourism.


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How to Cite

Pirozhnik, I. (2016). Small Entrepreneurship Development in Belarus and Characteristics of its Spatial System. Entrepreneurship – Education, 12, 134–148.