The Role of Geoinformation in Partnership Between Local Government Units and Business


  • Beata Stelmach-Fita Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Insytut Geografii Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej



geoinformacja, integracja danych, planowanie przestrzenne, polityka przestrzenna, zagospodarowanie przestrzenne, zarządzanie przestrzenią


The article underlines the integrative role of geo-information in support of policies and shaping of the concept of Smart City based on partnership. The movie Smart city Aarhus, presented at a conference in Gdansk on 25 September 2015 - Project Ecology Constructively3 - was an inspiration to write the article. To manage the space well, with the participation of the stakeholders interested in sustainable development of the territory, a complete, good quality information about the spatial policies is needed. The object of the research conducted in 2010-2012 was to present complex issues related to the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive in Poland in the subject of “land use” and the identification of relevant data sets, which should be made available in the established European Spatial Information Infrastructure (IIP). A summary of the results of qualitative research is presented, the author also shows the topicality of the posed thesis, most essentially associated with the lack of Polish definition of “planning document”, one of the main causes of reported problems. The article presents a reflection on the sidelines of the analysis of the results of the contract, the first in Poland, entitled “The Elaboration of Draft Standard Models of Planning Data and Metadata Profile for Planning Studies” (2011) and quotes statements from interviews of professionals (2011-2012).The current legal status has been presented and the elaborations of other authors were invoked in the article, showing the most controversial interpretations of the application of the regulations, and finally recommendations for further action were presented as the voice of the author in the ongoing discourse.

Author Biography

Beata Stelmach-Fita, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Insytut Geografii Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej

Beata Stelmach-Fita, Engineer, architect, lecturer, Pedagogical University in Cracow, Institute of Geography, Entrepreneurship and Spatial Management Department. Her research interests include geoinformation and monitoring changes in spatial planning, “land use”, dissemination of GIS technology. She is the author of architectural projects and local spatial development plans . She has experience in local government (including the implementation of GIS for the Town Warsaw City Hall) and central government. She received the recommendations of the Chamber of Architects for work in the committees on spatial data theme „land use” – 2014. The Council of the Faculty of Architecture Warsaw University of Technology awarded her for doctoral dissertation – 2013. In 2010-2012, he was a Fellow of Centres for Advanced Studies Warsaw University of Technology.


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How to Cite

Stelmach-Fita, B. (2016). The Role of Geoinformation in Partnership Between Local Government Units and Business. Entrepreneurship – Education, 12, 85–97.