State borders as a tourist attraction and an opportunity for the development of peripheral areas
attractiveness, border, borderland, tourismAbstract
Researching the tourism attractiveness of state borders does not have a very long tradition and focuses more on the borderlands rather than the actual border itself. The border, considered to be a dividingline between two countries, attracts tourists in many parts of the world, but determining its impacton the tourism of the region is often difficult due to the fact that its “experience” is usually only partof a wider range of tourism activities. The tourism potential of state borders, especially the stronger sections and those with interesting routes, e.g. triplexes and enclaves, seems unused, while examples of the DMZ in Korea or the Wagah border crossing on the border between India and Pakistan show that the use of the border may be an important element of the development of a region. The boundaries performing distinct functions, separating different economic systems, or civilizations, seem tobe particularly attractive. In this context, the external borders of the European Union are unused; theformer Iron Curtain and the borders of the former Soviet Union, which in many places still retain features of the previous system. The attractiveness of the borders may have an impact for the development of peripheral areas with the development of alternative forms of tourism.
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