Non-Agricultural Individual Entrepreneurship in Communes of Sądecki Sub-Region


  • Natalia Jaśkiewicz Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Sączu Instytut Ekonomiczny



economic activity, entities of natural persons, entrepreneurship, municipality


The subject of the article is an analysis of non-agricultural, individual entrepreneurship understood as undertaking and conducting business activities by natural persons. The measurement of the phenomenon is a number of registered natural persons who conduct non-agricultural business per every 1,000 people of working age. Such constructed standard is one of many aspects which is included in the level of entrepreneurship. The purpose of conducted analysis was to diagnose the level of non-agricultural, individual entrepreneurship, recognise the variety in time and space, as well as studying the relations between the level of non-agricultural, individual entrepreneurship and the level of unemployment and the level of self-income in a commune. The subject of the study was the sądecki sub-region that is 39 territorial units of the basic level including 38 communes from three districts (gorlicki, limanowski and nowosądecki) and the town of Nowy Sącz. Research materials consist of statistical analysis of Central Statistical Office and information from the Local Data Bank. A diagnosis of non-agricultural, individual entrepreneurship level was based on three pieces of information: a) the number of registered natural persons conducting business, b) the number of newly-registered natural persons conducting business, c) the number of deregistered natural persons conducting business. Statistical and cartographic analysis of results obtained was conducted. Significant variety of non-agricultural, individual entrepreneurship in the communes of sądecki sub-region was observed. It was observed that there is a weak dependence between the studied phenomenon and the level of unemployment in a given commune, as well as high dependency between the level of the studied phenomenon and the level of self-income of a commune.

Author Biography

Natalia Jaśkiewicz, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Sączu Instytut Ekonomiczny

Natalia Jaśkiewicz, MSc, State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sącz, Institute of Economics. A graduate of bachelor studies in Economics at State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sącz and supplementary MSc studies in the field of Marketing and management at Cracow University of Economics, PhD student at Cracow University of Economics. Author’s research interests focus on entrepreneurship issues in local and regional co-ordinate systems.


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How to Cite

Jaśkiewicz, N. (2018). Non-Agricultural Individual Entrepreneurship in Communes of Sądecki Sub-Region. Entrepreneurship – Education, 14, 62–79.