Process of Motivating Employees of Public Sector in Educational Organization


  • Elżbieta Pełka Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej



individualization of the supervisor’s approach, motivation of employees in the public sector, satisfaction of needs, stimuli in the process of motivation


The aim of this article is to systematise knowledge about the limited opportunities for motivating public sector workers in an educational organization. The article was based on literature analysis and direct observation. Motivation of subordinates is a difficult and complex process. Its effectiveness depends to a large extent on the compatibility of the organization’s goals with the objectives of the team. It is important to recognise the factors that are given priority by the team or the individual. Based on the analysed literature, it can be stated that despite many studies and analyses of employee motivation, it can be concluded that the problem in educational organisations is marginalised and there are no innovative and effective solutions. The consequences of adopted systems and motivational practices have indicated the need for change. It is therefore worth rethinking the broadening of incentive instruments to include ones that are successfully used in business organisations. of course, this is possible as long as the regulations governing the remuneration of workers in the public sector are permissible. The incentive system should be clear and legible and non-legally binding non-financial tools. Properly developed and implemented incentive system should stimulate the employees of organisations in the public sector.

Author Biography

Elżbieta Pełka, Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej

Elżbieta Pełka, MA, since 1 September 2007 she is the Head of School Complex No. 4 in Dąbrowa Górnicza. She is a computer science teacher with 25 years of pedagogical training at various stages of education. Initiator and co-author of pedagogical innovations and innovative solutions for school work organisation. From the beginning of her professional pedagogical career, she is looking for new and effective teaching methods, and working as a director of the school of innovative organisational solutions through the study of scientific literature and participation in numerous forms of professional development and conferences. Current academic interests focus on issues related to TQM philosophy and management through innovation in educational organisations in the face of increasing competitiveness.


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How to Cite

Pełka, E. (2017). Process of Motivating Employees of Public Sector in Educational Organization. Entrepreneurship – Education, 13, 378–390.