Selected Issues of University Virtualisation


  • Tomasz Gładysz Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu Wydział Ekonomii, Zarządzania i Turystyki



education, distance learning, higher education, virtual organization, virtualisation


Individual entrepreneurship is an important stimulator of economic development. It is difficult to clearly and directly identify individual entrepreneurship with the level of education. However, at the times when knowledge is one of the most valuable resources, education is undoubtedly a very important factor of increasing entrepreneurship. The rapid evolution of e-learning lets university education become easily available regardless of the mutual location of educational process stakeholders. This article includes analysis of the different definitions of virtualization in the context of their application to the process of universities virtualisation. It also contains a short overview of the current state of research in the field of universities virtualisation in Poland. The author notes the lack of current empirical research on the universities functioning on the Internet, and lack of theoretical studies on modelling process of using virtual space by universities. The author points out the need to answer questions about internal and external conditions for use of the Internet virtual space by the university or questions about the assumptions and elements that can be used to model the virtualisation process of a university.

Author Biography

Tomasz Gładysz, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu Wydział Ekonomii, Zarządzania i Turystyki

Tomasz Gładysz, PhD student, Wrocław University of Economics, the author’s research interests are focused on organizations’ activities in the virtual space of the Internet, especially the use of information technology for distance learning in higher education.


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How to Cite

Gładysz, T. (2017). Selected Issues of University Virtualisation. Entrepreneurship – Education, 13, 367–377.