Author Guidelines

The journal has been published since 2005 by the Department of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Management at the Institute of Geography (Pedagogical University of Cracow) with the support of other institutions.

Each issue of Entrepreneurship - Education includes research results and discussions from entrepreneurship conferences held in Cracow since 2004.

The journal “Entrepreneurship - Education” is assigned 20 points based on the point system for research journals provided by Poland’s Ministry of Science and Higher Education – dated July 31, 2019. 


The journal “Entrepreneurship - Education” contains only original, previously unpublished research papers on issues directly associated with each given volume.

We invite you to submit full-text papers in electronic form (recorded on CD using MS Word or *.rtf) in the Polish or English language. The papers should be formatted as described in this file (login required). For Polish-language texts, be sure to include a title, an abstract (1000-1500 characters), keywords (4-7) and a short biography of the author (300-1000 characters) in both the English language and Polish language. For English-language texts, be sure to include an abstract (1000-1500 characters), keywords (4-7) and a short biography of the author (300-1000 characters). The preferred paper length is 10-20 pages (18000-36000 characters with spaces). Once your paper is printed, you will receive one paper version of your publication.

It is especially important to clearly define the purpose of your paper. We also review the research methods used and the research literature discussed in your paper.


Basic formatting information:

  • A4 page format (margins: upper 2.5 cm, lower 2.5 cm, left 3 cm, right 5 cm);
  • Standard font: Times New Roman 12 pts;
  • Paragraph format: spaces between lines – 1.5, justified text;
  • Figures, tables and diagrams should be black and white or degrees of grey and should be stored as separate files;
  • Text length: 10-20 pages, assuming that one page contains about 1800 characters with spaces. The page limit already includes the title, abstract, keywords and short biographical note in the English language. For Polish-language papers, the above should be in the Polish language too. The entire paper should be formatted according to the above specifications. This includes graphs and tables.

Detailed formatting information can be found in this file (login required)

Paper submission procedure:

  1. author submits a paper for publication – formatted according to stated requirements – via e-mail or the electronic submission system available on the journal’s website
  2. Editorial Secretary checks if the paper meets all formal requirements – matches the journal’s research profile, matches the subject matter of the given volume, possesses the right format – and may require editing work by the author
  3. Editorial Secretary confirms that a paper has been accepted for further processing
  4. Paper is reviewed from a science perspective by the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor and the Subject Editor – a paper may be formally rejected or sent back to be edited or supplemented; in the event of a problem, the paper is sent by the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editor or Subject Editor to a member of the Science Committee or another specialist knowledgeable in the field of interest
  5. The paper is sent to two reviewers working with the double-blind review process; if the given paper is highly interdisciplinary or the two reviewers express very different opinions, then the paper may be sent to a third reviewer
  6. The Editorial Secretary notifies the author when the review have arrived and sends the reviews to the author; suggestions made by the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editor, Statistics Editor or Subject Editor may also be sent to the author, along with a deadline for an edited version of the paper
  7. Author submits an edited version of the paper, along with comments if he or she does not agree with the reviewers, as well as a declaration of copyright
  8. The paper is accepted for publication following the review process and the author is notified of this fact by the Editorial Secretary; if the resubmitted paper has not been edited in a manner satisfactory to the reviewers or editors, it may be sent to more reviewers or returned to the author for more editing
  9. Language editing and typesetting; the author may be contacted if certain expressions are not entirely clear or certain figures need to be reworked
  10. If a significant number of changes are made to the paper by the editors, it will be sent to the author for approval following the typesetting process along with a short deadline
  11. The author is notified once a paper has been printed and will receive a personal copy
  12. An electronic version of the paper will be placed in the journal’s online archive once all or most of the printed copies are gone

Cost of publication:

Papers are published free of charge.

Participants of the cycle of Krakow conferences on entrepreneurship, organized in Kraków (Poland) by the Department of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Management, Institute of Geography, Pedagogical University of Krakow ( have priority in publishing papers (fast-track peer review).

Estimated time of publication:

The estimated time of processing the submitted papers is 2-3 months. The average time to publication is 5 months. The time of publication depends mainly on the subject of a given article (whether it fits a specific issue) and the time needed for revising article by author after reviews. As a rule, it does not exceed 1 year.

Important files for Authors:

Guidelines for the authors (login required): docpdf

Conflict of interest and contribution of authors statement (login required): doc,pdf

Financial disclosure statement (login required): docpdf

Author’s copyright statement (login required) : docpdf

Paper_internal_review & decision_form (login required): doc, pdf

Paper review form (login required) : docpdf

Paper second review form (login required): docpdf



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Introduction containing purpose of the article
  2. Completion of the article in the form of summary or conclusions with results discussion
  3. Abstract in English, key words
  4. The article and references formatted according to the guidelines for authors
  5. Necessary information about the author: title / degree, affiliation, e-mail address, phone number, mailing address
  6. Biographical note about author in English