Focus and Scope

The scope of the Entrepreneurship-Education journal covers issues of broadly understood entrepreneurship, in particular its importance in the development of various spatial systems (local, regional, domestic - especially Central and Eastern European countries, European and global) and the role of entrepreneurship in the functioning of institutions and enterprises representing different sectors of the economy. We also invite authors who undertake research on the determinants of business development. Reflection on these issues we attempt to adapt to the teaching objectives for improving the content and methods of teaching entrepreneurship in connection with the teaching content of related subjects. Therefore, we particularly invite to the submission of papers on the issues of developing entrepreneurial attitudes and entrepreneurship education at all levels - from kindergarten, primary and secondary schools to higher education and lifelong learning. We are also open to presenting the didactic experience of the teachers or trainers interested in entrepreneurship and its place in the education system.
The journal also presents case studies on the operating of selected enterprises, special economic zones, economic centers and the role of selected sectors of industry and services in the development of various spatial systems of Poland and the world, with particular emphasis on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and other emerging markets.
We welcome to submit your articles!