How to Use Multimedia, While Teaching the Entrepreneurships (In the Example of „Bases for Entrepreneurships”, the Multimedia Disk by Nowa Era Publishing House)
multimedia, nauczanie, przedsiębiorczośćAbstract
The article was prepared to encourage teachers to use this modern educational tool, i.e. a multimedia disk, on the entrepreneurship lessons. There are an introduction and a conclusion as the supplements to this article, which consists two main parts. In the first one a detailed structure of the CD is presented. The second one, that is more extensive, discusses the main kinds of the resources on the disk (movies, animations, simulations, exercises and tests). This study, in easy ways, shows how to use the disk and the resources it contains. The article gives practical advices that help to implement the CD disk into the teaching process; it present, how to use the particular resource on the particular lesson. It tries to prove, that using CD by Nowa Era Publishing House, notably enhances the efficiency of the entrepreneurship lessons.References
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