Problems at the Development of the Self-initiative of High Schools Trainees


  • Wojciech Błażejewski Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Zakład Metodologii Badań Pedagogicznych



przedsiębiorczość, postawy, gimnazjum


Among other things education is understood as support of certain individual character traits, e.g. the qualities of a man with self-initiative. It doesn’t confine itself to any single action but this is a long process with which should already be started in the youngest years of the life. To obtain an effective support of the self-initiative at high schools trainees, the present general educational system needs either several organizational modifications or modifications of the teaching contents. These refer essentially:.

-the teaching programs and their contents.

- the principles and the form of the cooperation of the school with the local authority.

--the permanent dilatation of the didactic-educational competences of the teachers in the context of further vocational educations.

The specific training in a certain subject should be completed by interdisciplinary trainee projects. The further vocational education of the teachers should take into account the development of the ability to give structured lessons and to better combine the theoretical and practical contents with each other. Furthermore the teachers should be taught how to motivate the trainees for more ownly project drafts and their execution and how the representatives of local authorities should be included in the construction of additional contents of the teaching programs.


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How to Cite

Błażejewski, W. (2006). Problems at the Development of the Self-initiative of High Schools Trainees. Entrepreneurship – Education, 2, 242–248.