Consultancy About Foreign Business for Ukrainian Companies


  • Igor Żurba Kijowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. T. Szewczenki, Instytut Stosunków Międzynarodowych



konsultacje, Ukraina, przedsiębiorstwa


In the process of globalization and development of the international business relation between countries the foreign investments are particularly important for both all the country and theindividual companies. On the present level of the growth of world economy the flows of foreigninvestments are the priority for national economy and the direction for a lot of the big, middleand small companies from every trade: industry, agriculture, construction, transport, finance etc. The company may improve its effectiveness in the area of foreign business when the executives ask for advice the professional consultants and experts in economics and management. The subject of this article is the analyses of the conditions and opportunities of Ukrainiancompanies that are going to invest abroad, to benefit from the consulting services.


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How to Cite

Żurba, I. (2008). Consultancy About Foreign Business for Ukrainian Companies. Entrepreneurship – Education, 4, 192–201.