Barriers to the Development of Local Entrepreneurship in Krosno and Brzozów Districts (Poland)


  • Mateusz Suchodolski Podkarpacka Szkoła Wyższa im. bł. ks. Władysława Findysza w Jaśle



barriers to the development, Brzozów district, Krosno district, local entrepreneurship


The article presents barriers which limit the local entrepreneurship in the Krosno and Brzozów districts (Poland) on the basis of the research conducted. Micro-enterprises in this region are a very important part of the economy and local economy in particular. Micro-entrepreneurship allows to build lasting foundations for the economic growth of the region. Enterprises of less than 10 employees actually make up over 95% of all enterprises in the region. Thanks to them, new job possibilities are created in the Krosno and Brzozów districts, thus decreasing unemployment. In market economy conditions, it turns out that local enterprises face a number of barriers which halt their development. According to the entrepreneurs surveyed from the Krosno and Brzozów districts, the basic barriers to the development of local entrepreneurship are the following: the amount of ZUS contributions, the amount of local tax charges, numerous formal and legal requirements and administrative procedures, no actions promoting the local economy, lack of qualified employees and low purchasing power of residents. The newly proposed actions of the government are to improve the situation of entrepreneurs.

Author Biography

Mateusz Suchodolski, Podkarpacka Szkoła Wyższa im. bł. ks. Władysława Findysza w Jaśle

Mateusz Suchodolski, MA, Podkarpacka Higher Education School in Jasło, Poland, Faculty of Economics, Spatial Management and Transport. His research interests include local development, local entrepreneurship, tourism.


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How to Cite

Suchodolski, M. (2019). Barriers to the Development of Local Entrepreneurship in Krosno and Brzozów Districts (Poland). Entrepreneurship – Education, 15(1), 205–213.