Assessment of the Use of Funds under the Programme „Różnicowanie w kierunku działalności nierolniczej” [Diversification into non-agricultural activities]


  • Halina Pawlak Uniwersytet Jagielloński



środki finansowe


The paper analyzes the use of EU funds for farmers wishing to start or expand a business. The study was based on the use of funds under the program “Diversification into non-agricultural activities” located within the Sectoral Operational Programme for the years 2004-2006 (SOP) and the Rural Development Plan 2007-2013 (RDP).The assessment indicated a wide variation in the use of the program in different voivodehips. These differences appear when comparing the activities associated with the SOP and those implemented under the RDP. The first edition was popular in the voivodehips characterized by a high percentage of low income households. Implementation of the RDP program has brought a significant change in the number of applications and in the speed of the utilization of resources in regions. The greatest interest in the program in the three editions of the RDP occurred in the voivodehips (with the high agriculture level) where large farms dominate the agricultural and the means are used for service activity. It may be an indicator for changes in the specifications on allocation of resources. The lack of interest in the voivodehips with a large number of not profitable farms and with an excess labour force is puzzling. Subsequent editions indicate that investments planned by the beneficiaries are becoming more thoughtful and the investment value is increasing.


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How to Cite

Pawlak, H. (2011). Assessment of the Use of Funds under the Programme „Różnicowanie w kierunku działalności nierolniczej” [Diversification into non-agricultural activities]. Entrepreneurship – Education, 7, 255–263.