Characteristics of deficit and surplus sectors of the labour market in the Silesian province


  • Jacek Petryszyn Uniwersytet Śląski Wydział Nauk o Ziemi, Katedra Geografii Ekonomicznej



deficit sector, entrepreneurship, labour market, Silesian voivodship, surplus sector


The study examines the deficit and surplus sectors in the labour market in the Silesian province. The primary objective of this study was to characterize the current situation of the elementary occupational groups with respect to their scarcity or surpluses. The evaluation was conducted based on the sector of elementary groups established in the current classification of occupations in the labour market needs. The study adopted a dynamic approach to the problem by analysing the intensity of deficit (surplus) and the balance of the unemployed movement for elementary groups in several consecutive half-year periods. A sectorial analysis showed that the majority of elementary groups was character-ized by excess intensity index values, and mostly positive balances of the unemployed movement throughout the researched period. The results indicate the existence of a vast superiority of surplus sectors. The group of medical specialists is emphasized as an important deficit sector. The largest deficit sectors occur within the large group of industrial workers and craftsmen. The surpluses in most of the analysed elementary groups and unfavourable labour market trends allowed for the indication of a large number of particularly surplus sectors. The institutions responsible for the improvement of the labour market should increasingly focus on retraining workers in these sectors and creating conditions for the development of young people’s entrepreneurship.

Author Biography

Jacek Petryszyn, Uniwersytet Śląski Wydział Nauk o Ziemi, Katedra Geografii Ekonomicznej

Jacek Petryszyn, PhD, University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Department ofEconomic GeographyA geographer by training and avocation. The author examines various changes occurringin the geographic environment. He is particularly focused on the research resultsof human activity in cities on the background conditions of the natural environment.The author’s research interests are presented in the publications dedicated mainly toissues of geography of urban settlements. Furthermore, he examines urban functions,growth factors of a metropolis and city, and changes taking place in cities, includingthe labour market. Jacek Petryszyn loves mountains, coastal areas and Silesia region.


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How to Cite

Petryszyn, J. (2014). Characteristics of deficit and surplus sectors of the labour market in the Silesian province. Entrepreneurship – Education, 10, 244–256.