Conditions of entrepreneurial intentions of students of economics universities in Poland and the Czech Republic


  • Teresa Kraśnicka University of Economics in Katowice, Faculty of Economics, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
  • Grzegorz Głód University of Economics in Katowice, Faculty of Economics, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
  • Ladislav Ludvík VŠB-Technical University, Faculty of Economics of Ostrava, Department of Business Administration
  • Jindra Peterkova VŠB-Technical University, Faculty of Economics of Ostrava, Department of Business Administration


entrepreneurial intentions, perception of entrepreneurial potential, entrepreneurship


This article presents the results of empirical research on entrepreneurial intentions, which are presentedin the context of selected personal characteristics of students of economic universities in twodifferent countries, Poland and the Czech Republic. The authors accept the idea that the entrepreneurial intentions of young people - with the existing state of knowledge - are related to their perceptionsof their "business potential". In this concept, the authors understand the selected psychological traits (a subjective evaluation by respondents), included in most business models. Recognizing that entrepreneurial behaviors are determined by a number of factors, it was assumed that the process of individual entrepreneurship begins both with perception and with a positive assessment of their abilities - the competence, skills and character traits.

Author Biographies

Teresa Kraśnicka, University of Economics in Katowice, Faculty of Economics, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

Teresa Kraśnicka, an associate professor at the University of Economics in Katowice. A head of the Departmentof Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management at the Faculty of Economics.She specializes in the issues relating to the concepts and methods of managementin contemporary organizations, determinants of entrepreneurship, innovation management,innovation in the field of management. The author and co-author of nearly 90publications, including Concept of development of economic and non-economic entrepreneurship (2002). The co-author and editor of works such as InternationalEntrepreneurship. Theoretical and Practical Aspects (2008), Leadership and competitivenessof entrepreneurial organizations (2010), Entrepreneurship in the public sector.Selected issues and research results (2011). The co-author of numerous books for studentsfor instance: ABC of modern management concepts and methods (2010), Theentrepreneur and his company. From Idea to Launch (2012), and others.

Grzegorz Głód, University of Economics in Katowice, Faculty of Economics, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

Grzegorz Głód, PhD, University of Economics in Katowice.The author specializes in the research on the competitiveness of enterprises (PhD),public sector governance and management tools, including particularly the field of controlling.He has been realizing a number of consulting and training projects at a businessconsulting company. Currently, an assistant professor in the Department of Entrepreneurshipand Innovation Management at the University of Economics in Katowice.Additionally, he holds the function of the Vice-Dean for part-time studies at the Facultyof Economics. The author and co-author of nearly 80 publications in the fieldof management.

Ladislav Ludvík, VŠB-Technical University, Faculty of Economics of Ostrava, Department of Business Administration

Ladislav Ludvík, an associate professor at VŠB-Technical University, Faculty of Economics of Ostrava,Department of Business Administration.Ladislav Ludvík’s research area deals with the problems of entrepreneurial environment,trends and development of entrepreneurship. He gained a lot of practical and researchexperience at Research Center for Development of Towns and Regions in Ostrava. Forexample, he participated in work on ex-ante analysis for preparing of operational programmeEntrepreneurship and Innovations in the Czech Republic in years 2007–2013.

Jindra Peterkova, VŠB-Technical University, Faculty of Economics of Ostrava, Department of Business Administration

Jindra Peterkova, an assistant professor at VŠB-Technical University, Faculty of Economics of Ostrava,Department of Business Administration.The author’s scientific focus includes contemporary concepts of business economics,innovations and management. She teaches as well as supervises over a managementsimulation game and company strategy courses. She is the author and co-author ofpapers in scientific proceedings and publications focusing on issues of economicenterprise and simulation games. She has gained considerable practical experiencesin various companies.


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How to Cite

Kraśnicka, T., Głód, G., Ludvík, L., & Peterkova, J. (2014). Conditions of entrepreneurial intentions of students of economics universities in Poland and the Czech Republic. Entrepreneurship – Education, 10, 316–332. Retrieved from