The importance of recruitment process in the corporate image


  • Anna Dolot Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie



job advertisement, recruitment, internal and external recruitment, corporate image


This article is based on the empirical research conducted in large companies in Krakow. Firstly, it defines the term of a corporate image and factors that influence it. Next, it explains the process of personnel recruitment, distinguished from the process of personnel selection, its functions and forms as the method of reaching candidates. The considerable part of the article is devoted to presenting the possible forms of internal and external recruitment. Additionally, this paper draws on the empirical research conducted by the author. Particularly, it presents the internal and external forms of recruitment employed in practice. Then, it analyses the selected elements of personnel recruitment process and its influence on a corporate image. This part of research resulted from the opinions of employees hired in the examined companies. It is worth noting that the article also presents a secondary research concerning discrimination in job advertisements.

Author Biography

Anna Dolot, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie

Anna Dolot, MA, Cracow University of Economics, Faculty of Management. The author specializes in the area of personnel development, recruitment and selection, as well as assessment (especially with the use of such methods as Assessment and Development Center) and motivation process. Her PhD thesis concerns coaching and its influence on development of competences. As a business trainer, she has a wide and practical experience in personnel recruitment, development, assessment and motivation.


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How to Cite

Dolot, A. (2014). The importance of recruitment process in the corporate image. Entrepreneurship – Education, 10, 59–70.