Motivations and Barriers to Entrepreneurship among Students of Management in Tourism and Sport
Barriers, Entrepreneurial Intentions, Motivations, Entrepreneurship, Sport, Students, TourismAbstract
The needs of rapidly developing leisure-related industries necessitate an understanding of the determinants of entrepreneurial intentions among students in the Polish context. The main aim of this study is to identify spontaneously perceived motivations and barriers influencing entrepreneurial intentions among students studying Management in Tourism and Sport, specifically focusing on the specializations of tourism management and sports management conducted in Polish. An additional objective is to verify potential differences in motivations and barriers depending on specialization. Data collected from 375 respondents underwent a two-stage qualitative analysis followed by a quantitative analysis from the perspective of self-determination theory. The results indicate a dominance of intrinsic motivations over extrinsic ones and external barriers over internal ones, insignificant differentiation between specializa- tions, and a relative scarcity of lifestyle motivations. The theoretical contribution of the study includes a hierarchical list of the most frequent spontaneously perceived motivations and barriers, and this provides methodological recommendations for further research in this area and practical guidelines for shaping educational programs and supporting entrepreneurship at universities.
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