Artificial Intelligence in Projects Co-Financed by EU Funds: a Case Study of the Beneficiaries of the Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region (Poland)
European funds, Malopolska, enterpreneurship, Artificial intelligence, projectsAbstract
The authors of the article examine the impact of European funds on innovation by companies based in Krakow operating in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The study is based on an analysis of selected enterprises benefiting from the Regional Operational Programme of the Małopolskie Voivodeship for the years 2014–2020. It focuses on understanding how financial support influences the development of innovation and market competitiveness. The results of the study show that European funds have a positive effect on the implementation of technological projects, increasing the innovative capacity of companies and enhancing their competitiveness both locally and internationally. The fund- ing enables enterprises to implement advanced technologies and develop new products. The analysis also highlights that financial support is particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises, providing them access to modern technologies. Collaboration between science and business, facilitated by the funds, contributes to the faster introduction of innovations to the market. The aim of the article is not to provide a detailed analysis of performance indicators before and after the implementation of inno- vations but rather to give an overall characterization of the projects and their impact on the technological development of the companies. The case study is limited to the context of Krakow, and its findings cannot be directly generalized to the entire Małopolskie Voivodeship. Conducting further research that includes other locations in the region would provide a more comprehensive picture of the impact of European funds on the development of AI technologies in Małopolska.
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