The title: Opportunities and Challenges in the Process of Knowledge and Technology Transfer Based on Mentoring from Business Environment Institutions


  • Dominika Lelakowska Krakow University of Economics
  • Filip Boroń Krakow University of Economics
  • Karolina Kaczmarczyk Krakow University of Economics
  • Kinga Madej Krakow University of Economics
  • Jakub Miszczyszyn University of Agriculture in Krakow



business mentoring, entrepreneurship, innovation, knowledge transfer, scientific clubs, technology commercialization


In the academic environment, students are constantly creating innovative projects. However, they often lack the necessary knowledge and tools to transform these ideas into well‑established businesses

or startups. In response to this issue, the University of Economics in Krakow initiated a special project in collaboration with Krakow’s technical universities and local Business Environment Institutions (BEIs). The objective of the initiative was to build a synergistic relationship among all stakeholders and support the transfer of innovative ideas from the academic to the business environment by providing novice researchers with mentoring from experienced BEI experts. At the conclusion of the project, a comprehensive evaluation of the undertaken actions was conducted through surveys of members of scientific circles, in‑depth interviews with project leaders, and mentor. The study focused on identifying the opportunities and challenges faced by young innovators in attempting to turn their ideas into products or services. It was found that they still lack many soft skills, such as effective project management or teamwork, which are crucial in business. However, collaboration between various Krakow universities and BEIs was identified as a means to effectively develop and commercialize business projects, thanks to complementary skills.

Author Biographies

Dominika Lelakowska, Krakow University of Economics

The author is an active member of the Erasmus Student Network and the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Scientific Circle at the Cracow University of Economics. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Economics, and is currently working professionally as an in one of the American corporations, where she is in charge of data verification in the ERP system and creating reports. She is also pursuing a master's degree in Accounting and Controlling. Her research interests focus on the analysis of factors affecting women's work situation, especially in the area of business management.

Filip Boroń, Krakow University of Economics

The author is a student in the field of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Economy and an active member of the scientific club of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. His research interests include change management based on new technologies and digital transformations. He expands his interests as a co-founder and vice-president of the independent association Youth Entrepreneurial Community, which operates both nationally and internationally. Professionally, the author is associated with the Krakow Technology Park, where he particularly focuses on the incubation and acceleration of small businesses, Industry 4.0, the defense industry, and the space sector.

Karolina Kaczmarczyk, Krakow University of Economics

The author is a member of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Scientific Club of the Krakow University of Economics. Currently, she is a second-year bachelor's student majoring in Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Economy, specializing in Entrepreneurship and New Technologies. Her interests focus on new technological solutions used in business, finance and banking. She is particularly interested in solutions based on artificial intelligence.

Kinga Madej, Krakow University of Economics

The author is dedicated to the fields of cybersecurity. She currently holds a professional position as a pentester at one of Warsaw's audit companies. This year, she is graduating her master's studies in Applied Informatics with a specialization in intelligent systems at the University of Economics in Krakow. Through her work she aims to increase the awareness among users regarding cyber threats, thus contributing to the overall enhancement of network security and the better privacy protection.

Jakub Miszczyszyn, University of Agriculture in Krakow

The author was an active member and leader of the Geomatics Section of the Scientific Association of Foresters. He is currently developing both scientifically and professionally, working as a technician supporting scientific and academic activities in the Department of Forest Resources Management at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Agriculture in Krakow, of which he is a graduate.His research interests focus on the use of spatial information systems (GIS) in precision forestry. He uses a wide range of spatial data sources in his work, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), laser scanning (LiDAR) and satellite imagery. He processes the resulting data using modelling, data mining and deep learning techniques, using programming languages such as R, Python and Julia, to analyse trends in the forest environment.


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How to Cite

Lelakowska, D., Boroń, F., Kaczmarczyk, K., Madej, K., & Miszczyszyn, J. (2024). The title: Opportunities and Challenges in the Process of Knowledge and Technology Transfer Based on Mentoring from Business Environment Institutions. Entrepreneurship – Education, 20(1), 77–93.