The title: Opportunities and Challenges in the Process of Knowledge and Technology Transfer Based on Mentoring from Business Environment Institutions
business mentoring, entrepreneurship, innovation, knowledge transfer, scientific clubs, technology commercializationAbstract
In the academic environment, students are constantly creating innovative projects. However, they often lack the necessary knowledge and tools to transform these ideas into well‑established businesses
or startups. In response to this issue, the University of Economics in Krakow initiated a special project in collaboration with Krakow’s technical universities and local Business Environment Institutions (BEIs). The objective of the initiative was to build a synergistic relationship among all stakeholders and support the transfer of innovative ideas from the academic to the business environment by providing novice researchers with mentoring from experienced BEI experts. At the conclusion of the project, a comprehensive evaluation of the undertaken actions was conducted through surveys of members of scientific circles, in‑depth interviews with project leaders, and mentor. The study focused on identifying the opportunities and challenges faced by young innovators in attempting to turn their ideas into products or services. It was found that they still lack many soft skills, such as effective project management or teamwork, which are crucial in business. However, collaboration between various Krakow universities and BEIs was identified as a means to effectively develop and commercialize business projects, thanks to complementary skills.
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