Use of Social Media Marketing in the activities of facilities and areas attractive to tourist by example Energylandia amusement park and Wadowice city


  • Ewa Batko Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie



Social Media Marketing, Social Media, Energylandia amusement park, tourism, Wadowice city


The subject of the study is Social Media Marketing, its characteristics and the use of its tools in the activities of tourism industry enterprises and tourist destination areas. The aim of this article is presentation of the mode of action Social Media Marketing and research its application in tourism. In this article the Social Media (SM) characteristics and its meaning in tourism activities was presented. Methods of operation Social Media Marketing are shown. The issue of Content Marketing was also raised, which is one of the basic aspects of Social Media and is an important element of marketing communication included in Social Media Marketing. The research applied participant observation and an interview questionnaire which was shared via instant messenger, thanks to which information about application of Social Media Marketing in tourism, by example Wadowice city as an attractive tourist area. The conducted own research was aimed at obtaining an answer to the question: What is the application Social Media Marketing in tourism? Based on the analysis performed, it was found that Tourism -related enterprises recognize the need to use Social Media Marketing in their activities. However, some entities in the tourism industry do not fully use the potential of Social Media.

Author Biography

Ewa Batko, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie

Ewa Batko, M.Sc., A graduate of tourism and recreation specializing in business tourism at the Pedagogical University of Krakow. Her main research interests concern the broadly understood marketing activities, including also e -marketing. In addition, she is interested in topics related to entrepreneurship and shaping and development of a personal brand.




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How to Cite

Batko, E. (2023). Use of Social Media Marketing in the activities of facilities and areas attractive to tourist by example Energylandia amusement park and Wadowice city. Entrepreneurship – Education, 19(2), 102–114.