The impact of the EU funds on the development of entrepreneurship – The role of the Małopolska Entrepreneurship Center in the use of the EU funds in Małopolskie Voivodeship (Poland)




enterpreneurship, European funds, Malopolska, regional development, local government units


This article describes the role of the Małopolska Centre for Entrepreneurship (Małopolskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości, MCP) in the use of EU funds in Małopolskie Voivodeship, focusing on two operational programs: Małopolska Regional Operational Program (MRPO) 2007–2013 and Regional  Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region (RPO WM) 2014–2020. In the first years of its activity, the MCP supervised the implementation of the Małopolska Regional Operational Program, supporting investments and innovations of micro, small and medium -sized enterprises (SMEs). In the years 2008‒2015, 27 calls for proposals were announced. With the support of PLN 697 million, the program created 3.5 thousand jobs and supported 2.6 thousand innovations. The second operational program, the Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region 2014‒2020, focused on further developing Małopolskie Voivodeship’s economy, supporting investments and innovations in the areas critical for regional development. The MCP conducted 108 calls for proposals, granting PLN 6 billion in support, which allowed for the creation of new jobs, development of companies, diversification of business activities, support for innovation and promotion of exports. The Małopolskie Voivodeship’s response to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic was the launch of the “Małopolska Anti -Crisis Shield”, the main goal of which was to support SMEs in maintaining financial liquidity and jobs. During this time, the MCP supported over 8000 companies with over PLN 280 million, which allowed keeping over 30,000 jobs. The article emphasises the synergistic role of EU funds and public institutions in shaping better conditions for the development of entrepreneurship. The article utilizes a monitoring and evaluation methodology based on indicators, which is a standard practice in scientific research related to the assessment of projects and programs. The article uses an integrated methodology that combines the case study approach of the Małopolska Centre for Entrepreneurship with the analysis of statistical data.

Author Biographies

Rafał Solecki, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Wydział Finansów i Prawa

Rafał Solecki, PhD, Head of the Małopolska Centre for Entrepreneurship since its establishment (over 15 years). Rafał Solecki has a PhD in economic sciences, gained at the Faculty of Finance and Law of the Cracow University of Economics. Graduate of three postgraduate studies – spatial management, economic law and EU law. For 26 years, Rafał Solecki has been continuously associated with public administration. From 1999 to 2007, he worked at the Department of Regional Development and the Office for Management of the European Funds in Śląskie Voivodeship Office in Katowice and from 1997 to 1999 at the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Municipal Office in Olkusz. Member of many bodies, including the Monitoring Committee of the European Funds for Małopolska 2021–2027 program, Małopolska Innovation Council, Małopolska Business Succession and Transfer Council, and Entrepreneurs Working Group established by the Ministry of Regional Development as a member of the Team for Simplification of the System for the use of the European Union Funds. Speaker at numerous conferences, workshops and meetings. Certified and experienced European trainer (EU -Trainer). Author of multiple publications on the European Union funds and the EU cohesion policy.

Rafal Kobis, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Rafał Kobis, MA. Graduate of international relations and Middle Eastern studies. PhD Candidate at the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków. An employee of the Małopolska Centre for Entrepreneurship. ORCID: Adres/Address:


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How to Cite

Solecki, R., & Kobis, R. (2023). The impact of the EU funds on the development of entrepreneurship – The role of the Małopolska Entrepreneurship Center in the use of the EU funds in Małopolskie Voivodeship (Poland). Entrepreneurship – Education, 19(2), 71–86.